Hello everyone!
As a way of achieving our objectives, we have an agenda of continuous sexual reproductive health training and other related activities for all member schools that we have always conducted. This week we were able to conduct two training sessions all lasting for about 2:30 hours per session. These activities took place at St.Maria Goretti Girls Secondary School and Kitumba Secondary School both located in Fort Portal town.
Take a quick look at our photographs.
A facilitator from Reproductive Health Uganda attending to peer educators at St.Maria Goretti Girls Secondary School in Fort Portal town.
St.Maria Goretti Girls peer educators pose for a photo after the training session.
A peer educator attending to fellow peers during peer education training at Kitumba Secondary School
Kitumba Secondary School peer educators pose for a photo after the training at their school
Members of the club executive at Kitumba Secondary School pose for a group photo after the meeting.